Vin fra den franske revolutions tid til 18,5 points
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En virkelig sjældenhed ! Madeira vin fra året for den franske revolution, intet mindre end en Sercial Frasqueira fra 1789.
RT 1789 hedder vinen. RT står for Rufino Teixeira, en Madeira producent der allerede i det 18 århundrede lavede helt særlig vin. Fra markerne på den sydlige del af øen øst for Funchal producerede man fine årgangsvine under familienavnet Teixeira - et navn der på Madeira i den grad ånder af historie, da familien i lige linie nedstammer fra Tristão Vaz Teixeira, der i 1419 opdagede Madeira.
Vi er blevet betroet at sælge de to flasker Sercial 1789 af tip-tip oldebarnet af den Rufino Teixeira der i sin tid lavede vinen. Vinen der er gået i arv fra generation til generation, er i 2019 blevet testet og har fået nye propper. I forbindelse med dette blev vinen vurderet af Francisco Albuquerque, der er chefønolog på The Madeira Wine company, og har fået flere priser og anderkendelser for sit arbejde med hedvine.. I den forbindelse valgte man at kassere en tredjedel af de flasker der var tilbage af denne gamle sag, sådan at de der slap gennem nåleøjet er vin af absolut topkvalitet. Francisco Albuquerque gav da også vinen 18,5 point af 20 mulige, hvilket er ekstremt for en vin med den alder.
I samme forbindelse udtalte Francisco Albuquerque følgende om vinen: “1789 RT Sercial
Great nose of subtle fudge, straw and fine aromas of bees wax. Intriguing complex nose.
Concentrated fine texture, creamy even, then a fine intense acidity lingering on in the fine dry waxy taste. Very good Sercial. 18,5 points out of 20 possible. Alcohol had to be adjusted during the selection ......... The previous recorking must have been almost 70 years ago, given the poor quality of the original corks. Now the selection has made the collection is perfect state and the family stock is now in the best condition for the coming years.”
De to flasker sælges som formidlingssalg i henhold til den danske lovgivning om salg af samlerobjekter. Det betyder at der ikke ydes nogen garanti på vinene. Salgsprisen er på 161.250 pr flaske, inklusiv moms, men det er kun formidlingsgebyret der løftes moms af.
Spørgsmål ? Potentielle købere bedes kontakte Torben Ryttersgaard fra Vinho på email-adressen eller på telefon 2518 8751.
Wine from the time of the French Revolution to 18,5 points
These are real rarities: Madeira wine from 1789, no less than a Sercial Frasqueira from 1789 - the year of the French revolution.
The bottles are handpainted with the title RT 1789. RT stands for Rufino Teixeira, a Madeira producer who already in the 18th century created high quality wines. From the vineyards on the southern part of the island, east of Funchal, fine vintages where produced under the family name of Teixeira - a name woven into the historic fabric of Madeira, as the family descends from Tristão Vaz Teixeira who in 1419 discovered Madeira and Porto Santo !
We have been trusted the mediating of the sale of these two special bottles wine by the great-great-great-grand son of the Rufino Teixeira who made the wine. The wines have passed from generation to generation in the Teixeira family. In 2019 it was recorked and evaluated by Francisco Albuquerque, the head enologist of the Madeira Wine Company, and a highly estimated expert of fortified wines. During the process, a third of the bottles were discarded due to lack of quality. Hence the remaining bottles are guaranteed to be of top quality. Francisco Albuquerque evaluated the remaining bottles and gave them 18,5 points of 20 possible. An extraordinary evaluation of a wine of this age.
Francisco Albuquerque : “1789 RT Sercial
Great nose of subtle fudge, straw and fine aromas of bees wax. Intriguing complex nose.
Concentrated fine texture, creamy even, then a fine intense acidity lingering on in the fine dry waxy taste. Very good Sercial. 18,5 points out of 20 possible. Alcohol had to be adjusted during the selection ......... The previous recorking must have been almost 70 years ago, given the poor quality of the original corks. Now the selection has made the collection is perfect state and the family stock is now in the best condition for the coming years.”
The two bottles are sold as a mediated sale by Vinho, under the Danish act on sale of collector's items, meaning that no warranties are issued on the two bottles.The sales price is DKK 161.250 per bottle including VAT that only applies to the mediation fee.
Questions ? Potential buyers may contact Torben Ryttersgaard of Vinho by email: or by calling +45 2518 8751.